Saturday, January 19, 2008

*Welcomes my new Crumpler bag...

19th January 2008
2121 hours
The day started early... around 7.15am... woke up... washed up and left home at 7.45am.. no choice.. promised some1 that i'd accompany her to her silk air interview... Reached city hall @ 8.45am... then my jie and another friend reached within 5 mins.. walked over to Marina Mandarin hotel and sent my jie for the interview... Slacked at suntec starbucks and the arcade for a little while, then met up again, took some photos.. and they followed me down to wheelock place to buy my new crumpler bag... Here it is...

Hehes... feeling so estatic that i've finally gotten it... YAY!!! Well.. we then accomapnied her home for her to change then ate our lunch, before accompanying her to her facial session.. Wait.. and wait..joked... talked.. slacked.. slept... and most of the time has passed.. then we went for dinner at Ajitei @ bugis junction.. not that bad.. though i must admit i spent a LOT today.. lols...

Alrite all.. guess ill say.. gtg.. hehe.. take care!!!!

Signed Off

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dunno What To Put Here.... >.<

17th January 2008
0819 hours
The start of a long and boring day in school... Hanging around in the computer lab, waiting for my turn to present my project.. Well.. since its been so long since i last posted, just decided to drop by and look around.. lols.. sorry there's been not much updates on me because life just goes on as it is... Nothing much different day to day... Well.. do take care as usual.. shall see u all again.. soon i hope..

Signed Off