Monday, October 22, 2007

My Life & My Stand In It

22nd October 2007
2310 hours
Hmm.. Events in life has taken a turn all throughout these past 4 years... Lots of things has changed.. And experiencing it all has made me think about my life and my stand in it once again...
Few months back, after that incident, i have thought about this once and decided to take my stand as a devil... Soft-heartedness and sympathy will only be reserved for my closer friends... All others.. shall see the nonchalant and so called 'heck-care' side of me... BUT.. i failed to do this.. i failed to change my nature to being a complete devil..
Y is it that although i've learnt from my silliness, i still cant bring myself to change?? I really do not want myself unknowingly putting my trust in a person who only APPEARS to be a friend... And giving myself and He/She-Who-Does-Not-Have-Good-Intentions a chance to hurt me myself...
Recent events yet again trigger me to think about these matters, and this is what i think.. please comment on it..
I shall not take sides in quarrels once again. As for my nature, i guess i'll just remain the way i am... I agree with the saying, the world is round, so everything is possible.. Things have happened.. The law of nature shall not be defied... I really hope, that things can and will go smoothly for me but i know its not possible...
Friends out there who read this, I am deeply and truly grateful for all that you've done and all the time you've been with me... To those whom i've once hurt, im sorry... And with this.. I wish all a good night...

Signed Off

1 comment:

*慧慧天使* said...

haha... at last blog lor...

all i can say, all tis is life... we must go thru. and nothing we can change abt ownself. i oso wosh to b an devil, but i'm still an angel.

but being an angel there's still ppl wanna mess up my life. u noe wat i'm toking abt lar. and the so called "best frens" are all gone. jus bcos of "trust" tis word.

5yrs and wif a blow, is all gone... nw i was like dun wish to believe in any1 anymore. some ppl is jus like so fake wen u got nothing to make use of... there's lotz of ppl out in this world...

haiz~ so choose frens who really gd to u and not frens who is oni near to u but take u for granted.