Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Damn.. How time flies...

24th July 2007
2020 hours
Well.. to sum it up.. today was quite a short day.. lesson only lasted from 8 - 10am.. nothing interesting really.. Well after that i went to AMK hub with a few classmates... Hanged around the arcade for a while, then went to watch Invisible Target.. Quite a nice show actually... humour and action packed...
After the show, we went down to orchard, then walked over to PS side and over to park lane... by then only 3 of us, daniel, lingkai and me were left... played abit of pool... then after a hour plus, we went home le lor... wat else.. haha
Anyways, i've been thinking today... it seems like just yesterday when i just ord-ed.. and now, i've already studied in NYP for like 3 months plus? and in 1 months time, the semestral exams are coming?... man.. this sux.. time passes so fast it seems like i dun even know what i've been doing... time really waits for no man.. so i guess we just have to look forward to the future...
Mine seems very bleak and foggy though.. i really dun know wat to expect even tomorrow... humans come into and leave from our lives as though time has frozen... its so mysterious.. life is...
Well.. good night all... ill end my thoughts here for today...

Signed Off

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tiring Thursday

19th July 2007
2108 hours
Hey peeps.. here again... hmm.. lets just say its been a long and tiring day.. though in my 1st lesson it was quite fun watching the other groups presenting about their project.. mine's coming next week.. so im about to die >.< lols.. then had a 2 hour break which seemingly flew past.. and before i knew it i had to head for the next lesson already.. then during the lecture at 3, i practically slept in front of the teacher.. though he doesnt mind (does he?), his voice seriously has a lullaby effect... brr... and thats about all.. dunno wat to say already.. ppl been complaining about me writing these things... sianz... =( anyways today i got something interesting to share... its quite true though...

Signed Off

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A fully packed day

15th July 2007
2324 hours
Well.. Hi all... Its been quite the hectic day for me actually.. Had to wake up at 8 am to go to vance's house for our project.. ended waking up late @ 0830... sprung out of bed.. and rushed to wash up and change, then packed some clothes for a cycling session @ east coast later in the evening... Reached vance's @ around 0945... then started doing our projects for both PCB design and Creativity... kinda lame.. but quite fun.. had our lunch @ 1230.. then carried on doing until 1500..
Left his house.. took 858 to airport and transferred to36.. guess i was kinda tired.. fell asleep onboard 36 and overshot the stop i was supposed to stop... i didnt know where i was when i woke up as i was still half asleep.. so flagged a cab and rushed down to east coast park.. was supposed to meet @ 1630... who knows, when i reached, there was NOBODY there!!! walked around abit and waited till 1730 before they all came.. wasted my darn cab fare.. but its over.. so.. yea.. went to rent our bicycles.. and started cycling..
Did a bit of relaxation ride before sprinting.. and all of them were like trying to come at me and trying to make me lose balance.. lucky i still have that little balance in me.. or i would have been shamed.. anyways.. here are some pics which i took..

Some flower garden @ ECP

Candid Shot Of Yahui

Short -> Tall : Yahui, Zhihao, Shihao, TienHao(Me), Soon Ping

Stupid Looking Me @ ECP Jetty

Shihao.. Handsome rite? haha...

Friday, July 13, 2007


13th July 2007
2143 hours

yawns.. wat a tiring day...well.. tml is the weekends already.. so.. yea.. but its such a boring friday night... went to buy components for my mini project just now... have a badminton session in the afternoon tomorrow... and my friends asked me to play mahjong overnight.. oh man.. should i go or not? hais.. so sianz... wonder what all of u are doing over the weekends.. anyways.. heres a early good night.. and take care

Signed Off

Thursday, July 12, 2007

So tiring...

12th July 2007
2248 hours

Hi all, its been a long and tiring day... Only got 3 hours of sleep yesterday night due to the stupid project report and presentation that had to be handed in today... Well, no choice i guess... Had to compile up the report and send it to my fren so he could print it out this morning for submission during the 1st lesson... And had to do all the animation and presentation details for some stupid personal grooming topic... Sounds kinda lame.. its just some module (personal development... *blechs*) thats wasting our precious time... stupid crap.. but at least i got to know more about shirts(our chosen topic)... well.. only abit more actually...
Well, guess i can say its just another normal school day besides the events in the morning... today got back our DE results for the common test... luckily i got a B+ as well.. but onli 7 people in our class passed? OMG.. i nvr expected this.. i thought i was gonna fail so badly.... but well... working hard is all it takes to change the grades...
Life went on as usual after school.. reached home.. and my frens asked me to go swimming (well not actually swimming, but just relaxing) with him.. so i took a shower... then met my frens... had some light dinner (them.. not me... cos i ate abit in school)... and then went home to change and met up again.. proceeded to the swimming complex.. did the usual routine of going to all the pools.. and looking at girls... (not much to look at actually... not at this time...) so... yea.. after that, went to mac for a quick bite and dispersed from there...
So now.. my energy level is basically at 0.01% (critical level).. about to fall anytime soon.. so... good nite folks.. hope ya all have a nice weekend ahead...

Signed Off

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Any Other Day

10th July 2007
1502 hours

Just like any other day, today started quite early... alarm rang at 0630.. did the usual process of shutting it off and oversleeping.. then went to wash up and the usual... left home at around 0705.. as usual, plugged my mp3 and secluded myself from the world on the way to school... hit yck mrt at around 0740... oh ya.. i study at NYP.. didnt mention it before.. anyways.. walked to school and by the time i reached, i was already drenched in my own sweat... i sure sweat like some chicken.. i hate it.. really...
Lessons started at 0805... some e-lab and tutorial questions made me spend 1 and a 1/2 hour in the e-learning plaza... learnt something new... but i guess i wouldnt mention it or u might just sleep.. haha... then had a short break of 10 mins... (do u even call that a break?) and had to rush over to the next class already... got back our circuit boards that we painstakingly designed over the last 10 to 12 weeks... my circuit looks like some spider web... and we still gotta buy our own components for soldering.. NYP poor.. no choice.. Just like this, another 2 hours passed..
Then at 12, me and my frens went over to south canteen as usual.. ate, talked crap, joked, looked at girls.. blah blah blah... all the usual things that can be done.. all done.. haha.. then they went over to library for the 3 hour break while i left the school... already told teacher i had something on.. so yea..
Went back to yuhua sec.. my sec sch... was acutally planning to visit some teachers and all but... when i reached the gate my fren was already leaving... my fren's an ex student cum relief teacher.. so i didnt go in cos it would have felt awkward... so i basically wasted around 1 hour travelling from yck to lakeside.. hais.. but its ok.. so i went home.. and here i am.. thats wat i've been through for the most part of the day.. boring as usual... now in my room.. staring into empty space...
Well... guess thats all for now.. abit long..and boring.. but i seriously dunno wat else to write about :(... so sorry if its boring.. and as usual.. take care.. and drink more water folks...

Signed Off

Monday, July 9, 2007

1st Posting =D

9th July 2007
2233 hours

Hi there, well.. nothing much to do so decided to create a blog... just for fun anyways..theres gonna be lots of random rants and stupid posts.. but please put up with it yea? do give me some comments or ideas that i can implement to improve my blog... though im abit slow at understanding things..

hmm.. i guess tonight's just like any other night... its been a long and boring day in school.. finishing up my programming project... getting back my engineering maths common test results.. scored a B+.. not so bad i hope... and now.. counting down the mins before i sms my good fren a happy birthday.. she turns 23 in like 1hr+... ... ... ... ARGH!!! dunno wat to say le.. so... well..just wanna wish all a good nite!!! have a happy week ahead...

Signed Off