Thursday, July 12, 2007

So tiring...

12th July 2007
2248 hours

Hi all, its been a long and tiring day... Only got 3 hours of sleep yesterday night due to the stupid project report and presentation that had to be handed in today... Well, no choice i guess... Had to compile up the report and send it to my fren so he could print it out this morning for submission during the 1st lesson... And had to do all the animation and presentation details for some stupid personal grooming topic... Sounds kinda lame.. its just some module (personal development... *blechs*) thats wasting our precious time... stupid crap.. but at least i got to know more about shirts(our chosen topic)... well.. only abit more actually...
Well, guess i can say its just another normal school day besides the events in the morning... today got back our DE results for the common test... luckily i got a B+ as well.. but onli 7 people in our class passed? OMG.. i nvr expected this.. i thought i was gonna fail so badly.... but well... working hard is all it takes to change the grades...
Life went on as usual after school.. reached home.. and my frens asked me to go swimming (well not actually swimming, but just relaxing) with him.. so i took a shower... then met my frens... had some light dinner (them.. not me... cos i ate abit in school)... and then went home to change and met up again.. proceeded to the swimming complex.. did the usual routine of going to all the pools.. and looking at girls... (not much to look at actually... not at this time...) so... yea.. after that, went to mac for a quick bite and dispersed from there...
So now.. my energy level is basically at 0.01% (critical level).. about to fall anytime soon.. so... good nite folks.. hope ya all have a nice weekend ahead...

Signed Off

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