Sunday, August 19, 2007

Night Out @ Marina Bay

19th August 2007
0051 hours
Today was basically a short day, which started off as a very very wet day... it was thundering and storming outside when i woke up at around 10am.. then i went back to sleep and finally dragged my still lazy body to wash up at 11+.. just slacked around, had lunch.. and played some games after that...
Went out at 4pm to marina bay to meet melvin and some other friends for dinner and fireworks... reached there around 5.. usual situation of waiting for latecomers... and then we proceeded to the arcade and played awhile b4 going to eat.. Ate and fooled around abit.. then at 8:45pm, we went across to the big open field and waited there for like 20+mins b4 the fireworks started.. it lasted for about 13 mins... was actually videotaping the fireworks with my hp.. and the kids beside me were like going 'WOW, wah!!! so nice!!! ....... etc etc...' and when i played back my video, i could hear their voices most of the time.. and my friend ian acutally called me halfway through!!!! ARGH!!! crap.. lols.. then after that we played abit of pool and finally came home..
Thats about it i guess... haha.. its late... TOMORROW'S THE EXAMS!!!!!!! hais... alrite then.. good nites all...

Signed Off

1 comment:

*慧慧天使* said...

1st of all, wish u all the best for ur next 2papers bah...

and most impt de is... i got the fireworks video in full version... haha... i no need to squeeze wif kids ard... i jus nice got the middle front seat so i can take the video easily... haha... get frm mi next time bah... but do not ask mi sent thro msn. cos cam too gd le. set normal mode file still so big. oops =X Haha...